Thursday, July 20, 2006


While American and Israeli bombs rain down onto the land of Lebanon, men, women and children, whoever they are, pay with their lives; lives scorched beyond recognition, blown to bits into the branches of a tree, or the forecourt of a car show room - another turkey shoot reminiscent of the early days of the first war on Iraq.

And so what does Bush do in his infinite wisdom for the world - he excercises his right of veto - not just at the UN (that was expected) but also along the corridors of power of Washington and vetoes:

... embryonic stem cell research.

And the reason why ...

"The president had long vowed to veto the bill because of his deeply held moral beliefs that destroying human life is wrong -- even in its earliest form ..."

...unless you happen to be born an Arab semite.

Life and its curve balls - but curve balls only get played in american games, I hear you thinking - - right again, this is the mother of all curve ball games - that I shall call a RAT = racism, arrogance, and the ultimate: terrorism, all enacted on the embattled lands of Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq. J


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