Friday, June 23, 2006

two kings

To add to my previous post with the picture of King Hussein. The following is taken from a document written in the 1950s -

' In the midst of all this excitement, the two young kings sat side by side, evidently great friends, though in complete contrast to each other. (I should perhaps add that I have great respect for Their Majesties, and I hope that this frank sketch will not be read as implying the contrary.) King Feisal, red-checked, easy of manner, with a Savile Row suit and a Curzon Street type of haircut, made King Hussein, dressed by a tailor in the Salt Road (the local main street) and barbered by someone from the suq, appear by comparison the country cousin which he literally is. Yet there could be no doubt which was the stronger personality. King Feisal looked like an agreeable young English cavalry officer sitting beside a haggard, dynamic Bedouin prophet.'


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