Thursday, August 31, 2006


My son leaves for his second year at university today. Mixed emotions will follow him and I'm not just talking about the motherly kind. But there is hope, dare I say it ... on the horizon, when reading a sudden ground swell of rational and honest writings about the state of our humanity around the globe.

But will hope be translated into positive change in my lifetime? A change where cultural differences are respected, when pluralism returns to the classroom, when an individual's right to pray and speak his own language is tolerated and when my grandchildren can hop on a bus from Amman and visit Jerusalem without fear. And so I shall continue to have a dream ... J


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I the only person in this beloved country who uses the indicator when driving! What has the population got against telling other drivers where they are going?
I risk my life daily trying to pull out onto the airport road from Deir Ghbar where the oncoming traffic can branch left just in front of me and it would save many anxious moments if the drivers would just let me know that they were exiting in front of me! What is the reason? Presumably every student is taught to indicate before their exam, but then it appears to be completely forgotten! Is it a macho thing, pure laziness or a will to die and take someone with them! Any answers gratefully recieved from a long term driver about to resort to road rage!

Sunday, September 10, 2006  

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