Friday, March 30, 2007


The following Letter to the Editor of the Jordan Times, by HRH Prince Hassan, highlights the greater human tragedy that is Palestine. It also highlights all those unanswered questions that tear at the very soul of people who live in this part of the world in a perpetual state of mourning and anger at decades of human suffering from Palestine, to Iraq ....

All we want to know is: when will this misery ever end?

I suppose, only when it is politically convenient? ... J

HRH Prince Hassan bin Talal, Amman

We woke up yesterday morning to the depressing media reports of sewage flooding a village of 3,000 people in northern Gaza, leading to the death of at least five people with many more unaccounted for.
I am aware that despite our best efforts, we continue to live in a world where a general feeling of apathy towards the Palestinians’ suffering has become the norm. But this time, it is different. To allow Palestinian infants to drown in their own excrement under UN and international watch is morally indefensible.
Without wishing to enter the blame game of who is responsible and whether the international boycott has played a role in this disaster, I am writing in the hope that swift action can be taken.
The international community should mobilise whatever assistance is required to help the affected families, keeping in mind that they lost all their belongings and are unlikely to have a system of compensation (insurance or otherwise).
An investigation should be launched to establish what went wrong, in order to help ensure that this kind of disaster can never happen again. This is, of course, without forgetting for one moment that the fundamental cause of Palestinian vulnerability continues to be the illegal occupation of their land that has led to the devastating concentration of large numbers of refugees and displaced people in confined areas with overstretched infrastructure.

The Jordan Times
Friday-Saturday, March 30-31, 2007


Blogger Vass said...

Many times I ask myself what makes these successive tragedies that hit Palestinians and other Arabs, human tragedies (war, intended harm, accidents, natural disasters)fall short in the memory of people- and i do not mean only the westerners. I get really upset, thinking that it may be an indicator for a devaluation of human lives when it comes to our area.

Friday, March 30, 2007  
Blogger حياة تستحق الانقاذ said...

some tmes we need peace inside us 2 reflect it on our lands ...

Friday, March 30, 2007  

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