Saturday, February 23, 2008

Good Road Signs

I drove to Jerash yesterday to celebrate the sunshine and warmer weather. My son told me that parts of the road near Bekka are closed so I took the Abu Nusayr highway. This road is a pleasure to drive although the posted speed limit of 80 is violated by all. The usual road to south Jerash was closed and the detour road wound up, down, and around, but I was guided by well placed, clearly legible signs. Although the detour was in unfamiliar territory for me, I had no problems getting to Jerash or returning to Amman. What might have been a frustrating drive was not - thanks to well placed and clear road signs.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are one of very few people who actually give positive feedback about things in Jordan. It seems that the trend today is just to complain about life in Jordan :) Keep it up.

Monday, February 25, 2008  
Blogger joladies said...

Thanks anonymous for your comment. I can complain as much as the next person, I'm sure, but I try to understand and be fair. You read my posting on one of my 'good days.'

Monday, February 25, 2008  
Blogger Dave said...

ASH, the Jerash detour signage has improved drastically over the past couple of months. When the construction was initially started, the signage was lacking and I ended up lost in the Baqa refugee camp, dodging chickens and pedestrians in what seemed like a third-world location.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008  
Blogger joladies said...

Dave, I wrote the blog because I was so pleasantly surprised by the good signs. Guess it was mostly my luck and good timing that I didn't repeat your 'third world' experience.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you being sarcastic? Because Jordanians making clear signs??? almost impossible. I think you are kidding.

Saturday, March 01, 2008  

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