Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A Royal Pain in the _____!

Once again I had a near accident yesterday with a palace driver. Why do these drivers think they own the road? Is it just because they work for the palace. In fact I've noticed that quite a few of the people who work there seem to think they have the same privileges as the royals and the world owes them a favor. As I mentioned, it seems the palace drivers are licenced to speed, weave in and out of traffic, cut in front of you, make a left turn from the right side of the road, and go through red lights.

Then there are the guard cars. If you happen to be in the wrong lane at the wrong time you have to get out of that lane - NOW! If you don't want to get shot, you can either move into the next lane and cause a twenty car pile-up or plunge off the bridge to the road below. It's your choice.

Another 'favorite' of mine are the people from the royal protocal. Recently I was at an event under HMQ's patronage. A person from the royal protocal arrived early, and without so much as a cursory hello, stood before those assembled and arrogantly told them they were not to approach the Queen, not to ask questions, not to give her any petitions, etc. Those present nodded politely, but as soon as the said person left a deluge of derogatory remarks could be heard. The whole purpose of HMQ's visit, to be with her people, was tainted before it even began.

Perhaps it's about time someone teaches these 'royal helpers' how not to be a 'royal pain in the_______!'z


Blogger staghounds said...

That's pretty standard for HMQ. She seems to fear the very idea of contact with lesser beings. It's sad that she is so insecure, but I suppose she knows how much she has to be insecure about.

HMK, his family, and the future of the monarchy are poorly served by her outlook.

HMK doesn't act like he thinks he will suffer by comparison with the common folk, at least.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006  

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