Monday, September 25, 2006

Not So Smart

Two friends of mine and I were talking about renewing our drivers’ licenses today. The question came up of whether or not one needs to take a driving test again. We recalled that the only test that is given is a simple eye test to ensure sufficiently good vision to operate a vehicle. I wish there was another test that could be done that would accurately measure each driver’s ability to restrain from reckless driving no matter how tempting the provocation!

Today is the second day of Ramadan and the time is 6:15 PM. I hear from my window the intermittent whiz of cars as they speed down the road with careless abandon. In a city of almost 3 million souls there is no excuse for a legitimately licensed driver to speed on any of the city’s roads at any time. I understand one may want to be at the Iftar table at sunset, but to recklessly endanger one’s own life and the lives of others to avoid being tardy for a meal is irresponsible, immature, unintelligent, scary, not so smart – need I go on?



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