We are three American and three British women who are married to Jordanians and have lived in Jordan for many many many years! We want to share our experiences and views of our lives in Jordan.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
the project in Dibbin forest
I have been sent this photograph of where the proposed project of hotels, houses etc etc are to be built in Dibbin Forest. Now, I cannot verify the truth of this but I hope someone can give me an answer. Is this correct? And if it is what a disgrace to even contemplate taking this part of the forest. T
hmm... from the information i know as a resident of jerash area when the project was initialized, the area proposed for the buildings are the higher area (represented here in the empty white space to the left of the oval, and between the farms). while the rest of the project, down the hill (which is the lower half of the oval) will be a managed forest included in the project, but no building will be built in it.
Also, the deal with the local community representatives and the RSCT implied that Jordan Dubai Capital will be planting 10 trees in exchange of each tree taken off for the building the roads heading to the area. those new trees will be planted in the upper buildings area (between them, that is). while the 100+ years trees will be moved as is.
I dont really know what is it with all this fuss outside jordan regarding this project. Personally I'd prefer to see all Dibbin forest undercontrol of such a big project rather than the massive losses happening each and every year because of fires set out each and every summer in that area as it is nowadays!
Thanks for your comment nasimjo. It's particularly interesting since you are a resident of Jerash area. I think that the concern is that there is a project planned in, near, or adjacent to the Dibbeen forest at all. The money certainly can be spent elsewhere to develop a project. And since the forest is a national protected area, then pressure should be put on the proper authorities to do a better job of preserving it. I can't believe that investors who want to make money will make protection of this forest a priority. ASH
If what Nasimjo says is true then it is plausible because Jordanian are intelligent ppl compared to the rest of the region. I mean why would you even think about uprooting beautiful trees when YOU ALL crave greenery so much?
just doesn't make sense and i am sure the authorities involved know how valuable Trees and Greenery are to morale and beauty of Jordan. Just look how happy and esctatic people are when it rains.
Is there totally transparency to this project? How many Trees will be cut down? What kind of trees are they being replaced with? Seeds won't do!
Make Jordan Green and god willing more people will take this matter more seriously.
JoLadies. This project truly came to save the area! the area around dibbin suffers from very large unemployment. and this project will change the lives of residents of 7-8 villages in the area while about the forest, if u read well what i wrote, u'd have found that the project will preserve the area where it is being held, and that the area of the project is not the one shown in the oval, but its the lower half of the oval in addition to the empty area to the left (and the area is rectangular by the way not oval :P no oval or circular shaped land area allowed to be owned by jordanian lows :P )
and yes anonymous, the project was stopped at the beginning by the RSCT until an agreement with jordan dubai capital to plant the number of cut trees*10 in the empty area to the left of the picture where buildings will be held.
thank you for your comments nasimjo. As you are obviously involved in the project I can see you are putting in the advantages but I still say that the area of Dibeen should be protected from any kind of building. The firm doing the project is not in it to preserve the environment or even to help the villages surrounding it. THEY ARE IN IT FOR THE MONEY. T
Nasimjo, I hope you don’t think we are ganging up on you, but I think we all have good points to make about the forest and investment in the Dibbeen area. Possibly if we separate out the issues we can come to a consensus: One - the forest area itself, which is a national heritage, should not be touched. If it isn’t being taken care of properly, if there is illegal cutting down of trees, litter, etc. then we must insist that the government do a better job in preserving the forest. Investors will not do that – they will destroy first and plant trees later – maybe. And how can we allow them to destroy even one of those remarkable trees? Two – The investors can plant trees, invest in four hotels, create jobs – do all of that, but not in the forest. They can surely find an area near these villages for a mega project which will offer employment and accomplish everything that they wish to do. They don’t have to jeopardize Dibbeen. ASH
you can see more details and sign a petition on www.apnature.org T
hmm... from the information i know as a resident of jerash area when the project was initialized, the area proposed for the buildings are the higher area (represented here in the empty white space to the left of the oval, and between the farms). while the rest of the project, down the hill (which is the lower half of the oval) will be a managed forest included in the project, but no building will be built in it.
Also, the deal with the local community representatives and the RSCT implied that Jordan Dubai Capital will be planting 10 trees in exchange of each tree taken off for the building the roads heading to the area. those new trees will be planted in the upper buildings area (between them, that is). while the 100+ years trees will be moved as is.
I dont really know what is it with all this fuss outside jordan regarding this project.
Personally I'd prefer to see all Dibbin forest undercontrol of such a big project rather than the massive losses happening each and every year because of fires set out each and every summer in that area as it is nowadays!
Thanks for your comment nasimjo. It's particularly interesting since you are a resident of Jerash area. I think that the concern is that there is a project planned in, near, or adjacent to the Dibbeen forest at all. The money certainly can be spent elsewhere to develop a project. And since the forest is a national protected area, then pressure should be put on the proper authorities to do a better job of preserving it. I can't believe that investors who want to make money will make protection of this forest a priority. ASH
If what Nasimjo says is true then it is plausible because Jordanian are intelligent ppl compared to the rest of the region. I mean why would you even think about uprooting beautiful trees when YOU ALL crave greenery so much?
just doesn't make sense and i am sure the authorities involved know how valuable Trees and Greenery are to morale and beauty of Jordan. Just look how happy and esctatic people are when it rains.
Is there totally transparency to this project? How many Trees will be cut down? What kind of trees are they being replaced with? Seeds won't do!
Make Jordan Green and god willing more people will take this matter more seriously.
This project truly came to save the area!
the area around dibbin suffers from very large unemployment. and this project will change the lives of residents of 7-8 villages in the area
while about the forest, if u read well what i wrote, u'd have found that the project will preserve the area where it is being held, and that the area of the project is not the one shown in the oval, but its the lower half of the oval in addition to the empty area to the left (and the area is rectangular by the way not oval :P no oval or circular shaped land area allowed to be owned by jordanian lows :P )
and yes anonymous, the project was stopped at the beginning by the RSCT until an agreement with jordan dubai capital to plant the number of cut trees*10 in the empty area to the left of the picture where buildings will be held.
thank you for your comments nasimjo. As you are obviously involved in the project I can see you are putting in the advantages but I still say that the area of Dibeen should be protected from any kind of building. The firm doing the project is not in it to preserve the environment or even to help the villages surrounding it. THEY ARE IN IT FOR THE MONEY. T
Nasimjo, I hope you don’t think we are ganging up on you, but I think we all have good points to make about the forest and investment in the Dibbeen area. Possibly if we separate out the issues we can come to a consensus:
One - the forest area itself, which is a national heritage, should not be touched. If it isn’t being taken care of properly, if there is illegal cutting down of trees, litter, etc. then we must insist that the government do a better job in preserving the forest. Investors will not do that – they will destroy first and plant trees later – maybe. And how can we allow them to destroy even one of those remarkable trees?
Two – The investors can plant trees, invest in four hotels, create jobs – do all of that, but not in the forest. They can surely find an area near these villages for a mega project which will offer employment and accomplish everything that they wish to do. They don’t have to jeopardize Dibbeen.
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